Healthcare Forms & Bags
Be sure to download Wilmer's Healthcare Products Flyer.

Wilmer offers the most up-to-date claim forms with guaranteed compliance on the printing of the forms. Covering dental and physicians in all sectors, the UB04's for hospitals and CMS1500's for smaller practices, is a necessity. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services require claims to be submitted on the CMS1500's or the UB04's. All dental forms are offered in black ink with no barcode. The physician claim forms can be found in the standard OCR red ink, both with and without barcodes. Ordered in per carton quantities, our offering is very extensive to meet all your clients needs. Be sure to check out our new CMS1500 Change Preview Flyer to see how the new forms will look with all the changes. View All

Wilmer's dental charting, treatment notes and record forms will add ease to any dentist office. Compatible with the most popular IFS forms, these are in inventory and ship in 1-2 days. View All

Wilmer's Medical Billing Statements are stocked and available as a package item, or an imprinted item. A staple in every medical office, these general purpose billing forms are printed on 20# white bond paper with micro-perforation for ease of printing, opening, and remittance. View All

Wilmer’s Scratch-A-Dose pill reminder calendar allows the end user to remind themselves if they have taken their medication or vitamin for the day with just a scratch. View All

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) law requires all healthcare professionals to develop policies and procedures limiting access to personal health information without sacrificing the quality of healthcare. Help your customers meet their HIPAA goals with our growing line of healthcare products. Wilmer offers a variety of labels, forms and sign-in sheets to meet your clients needs. See our white paper. View All

Providing oustanding patient care including the safety and security of the patient, and their personal belongings, is essential. Wilmer Healthcare Bags and Envelopes provide peace of mind to both the patient and the caregivers whether the procedure is scheduled or an emergency. View All