High Security Laser Rx Sheets

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Wilmer's high security tamper-resistant laser Rx sheets exceed State and Federal requirements and are Medicaid compliant. Our multiple security features come standard on each sheet, with multiple guards against attempts to copy, modify, erase, or counterfeit your customers scripts.
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Additional Details

Wilmer is an approved security printer that meets or exceeds State and Federal regulations. We accept small orders of 500 on our laser Rx sheets.

9 Standard Security Features include:

Chemical protection paper
• Scallop VOID pantograph
• Blue or Green colored background on white paper
Invisible fluorescent fibers
• Microprinting
Thermochromic Ink
• Security Feature listing
Artificial watermark
Watermark in coin reactive ink

Our standard sheets are available with a blue or green background, in 1up, 2up or 4up formats, 500 sheets per package. (Batch number can be added to blank sheets to meet Florida regulations for use.)

NEW for 2024!! Now offering a laser sheet with a green horizontal script in the upper left hand corner! (item# PRESGNHLGN)

Item# PRESLBL4NP is our 4-up blue laser scripts with no perfs, for our printing distributors out there.


Important information when taking orders:

• What state will this be used in? Certain states have specific regulations that require them to use the state specific stock for controlled substances and/or all scripts written in that state.
• Do they like the blue or green background?
• Do they need a full sheet, half sheet (perfed at 5-1/2" from top) or quarter sheet (perfed at 5-1/2" from top and 4-1/4" from left)?   


To see our complete line of Prescription script products, see our Compatible filing catalog, or call Customer Service and request your copy of the W-CFP-CAT. (Available with and without the net price list)

More Resources

Standard Rx flyer
Prescription Pad Security Features
Rx Laser Sheets Flyer
High Security Rx Feature