Wilmer Works Spring 2015

Brand Image is Everything!

New Presentation Folder Brochure tells the story

Wilmer Presentation Folders

Part of the Wilmer advantage is the ability for customers to showcase their brand with imprinting and customization options on many of our products, including our full line of Presentation Folders. The new Presentation Folder Brochure (W-PF-DE) is an excellent tool to show your customers how to effectively brand themselves.

Make a lasting impression with quality, affordable, customizable, presentation folders.
Available in a wide variety of styles and formats, Presentation Folders fill any need - from Legal, Financial, and Hospitality Key Cards, to Document Folders. Not only functional, Presentation Folders also provide a positive first and lasting impression, since they are more likely to be saved by recipients compared to other forms of printed communication.

To view the new catalog click here. Or contact Wilmer Customer Service at 888.567.7373 or email cs@wilmerfolders.com to request a copy of the brochure (W-PF-DE).

Identifying Identity Theft

Identity theft is a real and present danger in our society

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Javelin Strategy & Research, the average number of identity fraud victims in the U.S. is over 11.5 million annually, with the average loss per victim cited as $4,930. Falling victim to this insidious crime not only impacts your wallet, but also your credit rating. Rest assured, Wilmer works hard to protect and preserve the identity of our customers.

With all of the recent high-profile data breaches in the news lately, is it any wonder secure paper checks are still the gold standard for safe, secure transactions?

To find out more, see our Software Compatible Checks and Forms

Doug's Dialog

As we say in our new Presentation Folder brochure, "brand image is everything." But don't just take our word for it. Ask Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Google, Microsoft, Disney or Toyota. All masters of establishing a consistent brand that builds consumer trust and loyalty. Of course, most companies are not as well known or ubiquitous, or have the same deep pockets, as these brand behemoths. But it is still possible to - and necessary - for businesses of any size to build and promote their brand. I'm proud to say that Wilmer is here to help lead that effort. Many of our product lines - from Presentation Folders and PSMailers documents to Laser Checks and Envelopes - are customizable to include a company's logo or unique message. Branding efforts that might seem small can garner bigger returns. According to slideshare.net, the ability to hold and feel an object is often what consumers remember the most about a marketing piece and the product, brand or service it represents.
Putting your customers brand in the hands of the right people is what Wilmer is all about. I'd say that brands everyone a winner!

Meet & Greet


How many years have you been with Wilmer?
Since October 2014
What is your strongest talent?
What is the best gift you've ever been given?
My boat
What is your favorite mode of transportation?
Jet ski
Have you ever won anything?
A couple of wrestling tournaments in high school
Were you named after anyone?
The angel Samuel from the Bible
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Graduating college
What is your favorite pro sports team?
Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Reds
Your family pet is...
Miniature Schnauzers
What is your dream vacation?
A month-long Caribbean cruise

How many years have you been with Wilmer?
13 years
What is your strongest talent?
Gift of gab is you call that a talent
What is your favorite television show?
Big Bang Theory
What is the best gift you've ever been given?
What model, year and color was your first car?
1971 blue Monte Carlo
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
More than I can admit to
What is your best recipe?
I have sooo many
What is your favorite childhood memory
Trips to my grandparents in the mountains of PA
What is your favorite holiday?
My birthday. I like to share it with everyone
What is your favorite sports team?
Don't really have one but my dad would disown me if I didn't say Pittsburgh Steelers


< Spring 2015